
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Earn Rewards by Searching the Web

In my post,   "This is How I Earn RewardsOnline at Mypoints",    I mentioned that I earn rewards by searching the web at the mypoints website. Another rewards site where I earn rewards by searching the web is swagbucks.  I have been a member of swagbucks since July 30, 2010.

 I don’t get swagbucks for every single search that I do, rather it is a random thing.  While going to other websites of my choosing, by typing the website that I chose/choose to go to into the search box at that rewards site,  every now and then a window will pop up showing the number of rewards or swagbucks earned for doing that search.  This usually happens 2 or 3 times while  going through a list of about a dozen websites that I usually go to anyway almost daily. Sometimes I go through my list (all in one sitting) two different times throughout the day.
Friday is my favorite day for doing searches on swagbucks because every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, which means it is possible to earn any amount up to 1000 swagbucks for doing a search.  It’s not a guarantee, but although I have never earned that many swagbucks for a single search, it is possible to earn some big swagbucks while doing searches on Friday.  I think the largest reward that I have earned was about 50 swagbucks for a single search.
 If you notice on the snippets on the post:  "This is what I do" , there is a picture of a man on one of them and a picture of a woman on the other three snippets.  Well on that rewards site, the man is called swag guy and the woman is called swag gal.  Most of the time when I earn rewards on that site through searching the web, the window that pops up showing the amount of swagbucks earned for the search I just did, will have a picture of either the swag guy or the swag gal.
 Sometimes there will be windows that pop up showing the amount earned for the last search done, and the picture on the window will look different, and won’t have the same pictures as they usually have.  When this happens, then it’s most likely a collectors’ bill (I’ll add some snippets to show you what a few collectors’ bills have looked like in the past).
About 4 to 6 times yearly swag bucks will offer a bonus amount of swagbucks if you collect all the collectors’ bills (usually 6 or so) that they have out during a certain time period, usually about a week or so.
Here is a snippet showing the bonus that I earned for collecting all the collectors’ bills during a time period they were out.

Following are some snippets of the collectors’ bills that have popped up in a window during my searches.

This is a collectors’ bill earned during thanksgiving time or Fall season of 2011.

Here is another collectors’ bill earned during thanksgiving time or Fall season of 2011.

This is a collectors’ bill earned during valentines time 2012.

Here is another collectors’ bill earned during valentines time 2012.
There are usually about six different collector bills to collect in about a week or so. And if I collect each collector’s bill of the complete collection then I earn some bonus swagbucks, which are added to my account.
Would you like to try swagbucks?  You can earn rewards and redeem them to purchase any of several gift cards, and/or products.  There’s lots of stuff to do in order to earn rewards.  You can be my referral if you want.  Here is the referral link:  
Note: It is always a good idea to read the rules and instructions of any rewards site.  The last time that I read the swagbucks rules was several months ago and, at that time anybody the age of 13 years or older and living the U.S.A. or Canada could become a member.

If you found this post to be interesting and/or think that somebody else might be interested, I would appreciate it very much if you would tweet about it on twitter by clicking on the letter t below this post, which will take you to twitter?   Thank you!!!


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